From Italy
To Kazakhstan

Along the silk road
TABRIZ. 35° 42’ 25” NORD . 51° 24’ 11” EAST
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We are ready to discover the tastes, perfumes and colors of #IranianCuisine.

In #Iran, Friday is a day of relax and that’s exactly what we need now, also because there are 43°C outside.

TABRIZ. 35° 42’ 25” NORD . 51° 24’ 11” EAST
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The taste of mutton

We are in Iran and in spite of the similar ingredients, tastes are dramatically changed. Everything has the flavor of mutton.

TABRIZ. 35° 42’ 25” NORD . 51° 24’ 11” EAST
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Cooking in Iran

We are entering a restaurant with underground vaulted ceiling and a small fountain. After having ordered Dizi and chelo Mahi (fried fish with rice and lemon), we enter the kitchen to assist with the preparation of the dishes.

TEHRAN. 35° 41’ 46” NORD . 51° 25’ 23” EAST

Salaam alaikum!

We are in Tehran, the capital and the largest city situated in the north-central part of Iran. In order to follow Iranian dining etiquette, we should accept some important cultural rules:
1.    Taarof - the play of words and the act of politeness. You should refuse 3 or more times something that is offered to you (food/drink) even though you want it.
2.    However, you play these word games, before you take something, you should accept any offer of food or drink. Try a bit of everything that is served.
3.    Leave some food on your plate when you have finished eating.

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Laura Dottesi - Photographer

Laura was born in Brescia (Italy) in September 1991. After having finished her studies at the artistic high school - Liceo Leonardo in Brescia, she continued at the Faculty of Photography of the Academy of Fine Arts LABA. She took a part in the exhibition Lorem Ipsum at the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague and the Czech Cultural Institute in Milan. She also participated in the exhibition ECO.1 in Caravaggio during The Contemporary Art Week.

Giulia Sana - Videomaker

Giulia comes from the lovely city of Bergamo (Italy). She has always been keen on the world of photography and video. She finished her studies at the same university like Laura, Luca and Dario – Academy of Fine Arts LABA in Brescia and she continues experimenting with all forms of photography art.  

Eleonora Miserendino - Journalist

Eleonora has always loved traveling, discovering new cultures, their art and their creativity. She decided to cultivate her passion for art through the world of theatre and she graduated at the Academy of Performing Arts in Trento. Afterwards she lightly changed direction of her studies and finished at The University of Law. For a period she lived in Britain, Portugal and Brazil. In Rio De Janeiro she was working as journalist for a research of social and legal impacts of the Olympics and the World Cup

Luca Argenton - Photographer

Luca was born in Bergamo (Italy) in 1988. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts LABA in Brescia as well as some other members of the team – Laura, Giulia and Dario. His passion for photography comes from his youth and it is tied to a very cinematic vision of the world and of reality. The main spark for his work is a continuous research of a "cinematic reality" tied with the relationship between physical space and people. He considers digital photography the best tool for his artistic needs, but it does not mean that he excludes any other instruments or technique for his experimentation.  

Dario Del Barba - Driver

Dario, as well as some of his team colleagues was born in the province of Bergamo (Italy). He attended a hotel management school in Brescia and meanwhile he developed a passion for photography. After the high school, he enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts LABA, attending a course of photography. He discovered his passion for reportage during his travels in Morocco and, especially, in Ukraine. He collaborated with companies in the zone of Bergamo in the business of advertising and marketing.

Sara Baldis - Driver

Sara was born in 1976 in Bergamo, where she also graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts Giacomo Carrara. After her studies, she had been working for about 10 years for Studio Baldis Restauri until she won the award of l'International Trompe l'Oeil Festival and she decided to drive her own business as painter, sculptor, decorator and designer. Together with Davide Masi she is the author of Gli Sgommati, latex caricatures of Italian politicians for a transmission of a political satire. She had to travel a lot for her new job and she simply felt in love with discovering new places. "For the same reason the journey: for traveling". According to Fabrizio De André and Ivano Fossati the reasons hide in the journey itself and that’s what pushes me to leave!

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In 2015 we traveled around the world
to taste life in different ways
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