From Canada
To Panama

To the other side of the world

Wilma Resinelli - Driver

Wilma will take care of the steering wheel of Alaska to Guatemala Expedition Team. She was born in Italy in Born in Italy 1959. As well as the other team members, she has an artistic background. Recently she lives and works in Brescia. 

Alice Cristiano - Journalist

Alice was born in Verona in 1982. She is graduated from law. In 2001 she started to work as press officer for the Integrated University hospital Company. In 2008 she became a collaborator of TV broadcaster Telenuovo. Recently she work as TV & Events presenter in Verona and it’s province, she moderates political discussions and writes her personal blog. 

Valeria Lo Meo - Driver

Valeria comes from the beautiful city of Palermo. She studied International Political Science and she currently lives and works in Verona. In 2006 she decided to turn her passion into a profession and became freelance video director and editor. She is the author of the video for the project 13 Coins, which kept her busy for 6 years when she was traveling around several countries such as Brazil, Philippines, Greenland, Belarus, Mali, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Uganda and Amazon. In 2011 she won the 1st place at the FEP (Federation of European Photographers) Awards for the best photographic reportage book of the previous 3 years. She is also the prizewinner of the Media Stars Award (greatest Italian prize in advertising) for the best direction and editing of 2012. 

Rafaella Braga - Photographer

Photographer Natalia was born in Brescia in 1968. She graduated in photography at the European Institute of Design in Milan. She works as referent for volunteers in Brescia in the NGO COOPI International Cooperation. After having collected the photos from the responsible tourism trip of COOPI she published her book Color Africa. She loves animals, the sea and the wind!

Tiziana Arici - Photographer

Tiziana comes from Brescia, as well as some of her team colleagues (Anna and Wilma). She got impressed by photography already in her youth. After the first experience in the world of advertising, she decided to focus on the Architecture & Interior sector. In 1986 she started to collaborate with some important publishing houses such as Mondadori or Institute of Geography De Agostini. She has published her works in several Italian magazines like for example Casaviva, Case & Country, Food & Wine or Natural style. Tiziana has a passion for light in photography and likes experimenting also with  video-performances and exhibitions.

Anna Astori - Videomaker

Anna was born in Brescia in 1965. After graduating from the European Institute of Design in photography, she became a founding member and executive producer in AlbatrosFilm. She is a prizewinner of numerous awards for director of photography. She has also participated in many important festivals in the area such as Trento Mountain Film Festival, Rimini Film Festival, Torino Film Festival, Cuban Film Festival.

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